Thursday, May 2, 2013

A trainer’s tips for getting beach body-ready

You’re not the only one thinking about shaping up for summer. We are too! Here’s a little helping hand to kick-start your shape-up by Clare Howard, Personal Trainer at David Lloyd Leisure.

Start by removing the biggest exercise myth: “Train hard and you can eat whatever you want”.

I’m sorry to say, amazing results are 70% down to what you put in your mouth and 30% the exercise routine you follow. So, with this in mind, here are our top tips for blasting body fat and achieving the beach body of your dreams!

Little and often
Consuming small meals and snacks - every two to three hours - revs up your metabolism, helping your body to burn an extra 350 calories every day.

More protein
High quality protein has two direct benefits. Firstly it helps your body to feel fuller, for longer, which helps you to maintain a healthier more consistent eating pattern. Secondly it’s essential for repairing the body after exercise and in sculpting the shape you long to see. (Try a little Spirulina, an algae that is high in protein and said to have 60-70% more protein content than any other natural food. Furthermore, it contains high concentrations of vitamins, minerals and other beneficial nutrients).

Hydration is key
If your body lacks water, it cannot transport food or convert it into essential energy. As a result, all the food is instead converted and stored as fat. In order to avoid unwanted weight gain, flagging endurance levels, tiredness, headaches and dizziness, you need to be drinking around two litres of water a day. If you know this already but forget, remind yourself with this Water Reminder and Counter app.

Pre-workout meal
After breakfast, this could be the second most important meal of the day. What you eat depends on the nature and intensity of your exercise: If it’s low, eating a meal before you train will make you feel slow and sluggish. Whereas for moderate to high intensity, extra fuel is vital in order to get the best from your workout. Let these simple guidelines help:
Three hours before eat a small meal combining protein and good carbohydrates
Two hours before consume a protein bar or shake
One hour before top up with a small snack e.g. a handful of almonds and a banana
Post-workout meal

Following cardio and/or resistance training there is a key 20-minute window during which your blood vessels are enlarged and ready for the uptake of key nutrients. Exercise depletes critical amino acids (such as glutamine) and breaks down muscle fibre. In order to combat losses and make repairs your body must restock its stores with protein. Chicken, fish, eggs, whey protein and soy protein are perfect. In addition, your body will also need glycogen, stored in the liver. Oatmeal, brown rice, grains such as quinoa, vegetables and fruit are great for replenishing this.

Big muscle groups
Working the body’s big muscle groups will help you burn more calories, key to getting the beach body you desire. Good choices for exercise include squats and lunges for legs; cable flies and TRX chest presses for the trunk; wide-grip, pull-ups and seated rowing for the back.
Women and weights

Weight training reduces body fat because as your muscle mass increases, so does your resting metabolic rate. Put simply, with more muscle your body will burn an extra 40-60 calories per day. Studies show that women who strength-train regularly (two-three times a week) for two months increase muscle mass by two pounds and decrease body fat by three-and-a-half pounds. Don’t worry about suddenly bulking up - a pound of muscle is equivalent to a large strawberry.

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