Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Beauty Staple: Elisa Nalin's Platinum Pixie Cut

WHO: Elisa Nalin, the Paris-based fashion stylist

WHAT: “I’ve always cut my hair and then let it grow in cycles. I used to get bored quite easily. I’ve done everything you can imagine, the weirdest styles—mullets, a Ziggy Stardust look, purple hair. Four years ago, after I had my baby, my hair was long and I wanted to cut it again but everyone was against it. After a while, I decided to do it myself. I just went for it. I have no fear when it comes to hair. First, I cut it into a bob at my ears, and I bleached it at home. Then I called and begged Franco Gobbi, my oldest friend and a supertalented hairstylist, to cut it very short into a boyish pixie cut. He did it and I was so happy!”

WHERE: “I always went to Franco, even while I was still living in Milan and he was in Paris. Unfortunately for me, he moved to New York and I had to find somebody new. That was Karin Bigler. We were at the same talent agency at the same time, and so she would cut me and do my color as well. Then, guess what? She moved to London! Recently, as my hair was growing out, I became desperate and went for a walk in my neighborhood in Paris looking for somewhere to get it done. I stumbled upon salon Coiffure et Spa by Christian Lacout, which is a traditional place that’s been around since 1965. The platinum blonde came out very well, and it’s much less expensive than anywhere else I’ve been! It’s the perfect place for a touch-up.”

WHEN: “I’m not regular at all about my cut and color. But after I wash it, I always use a product to nourish and hydrate since I bleach my hair so often. My favorite thing to do is mix Sebastian’s Potion 9 with a bit of argan oil from Cris Dios Organics. I discovered the latter last month while I was in Sao Paulo for fashion week. I went to a hair spa there called Laces, where they massage your legs and shoulders while treating your hair! To keep it from being fluffy when it dries, I use Himalaya Herbal Healthcare’s Protein Hair Cream, which I discovered in India this January. I love it because it works the same whether you apply it to wet or dry hair.”

WHY: “Having short hair changed the way I dressed. Before, I was much more 1960s and very retro. Now, when I put on one of those dresses, I’m like, No, something is wrong. I’m much more comfortable dressing masculine, in a shirt and pants all the time. Of course, I mix a lot of color and textures—I’ve always loved playing with patterns—and I still wear a lot of pink, but the clothes themselves are masculine. I don’t think I can go back to long hair this time. I think part of it is becoming a mother. It’s just less practical. It’s funny—short hair doesn’t change the way you feel, but it changes the way people see you. People didn’t recognize me at first! Also, living in Paris, you get a lot less bothered by men!”

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